CorrainiMAMbo Artbookshop

via Don Giovanni Minzoni 14/d
Telephone Opening times
da martedì a venerdì h 15 - 19
sabato e domenica h 10 -19
OFF Exhibition 2 Dec 2021 - 10 Jan 2022
workshop Sunday 5 Dec H 11:00 BBB Kids

Finalmente sono triste


with Noemi Vola

To make a fanzine we'll need some paper, a felt pen, staples and a few sad things to think about. Starting with reading the picture book Sulla vita sfortunata dei vermi. Trattato abbastanza breve di storia naturale, boys and girls will create a fanzine together with the author. 

Entry: I posti sono esauriti

Age: Dai 5 anni

Duration: 1h30


In collaboration with Corraini Edizioni.