Maria Nadotti

Maria Nadotti is a journalist, essayist, writer and translator. She has written essays and articles about cinema, visual arts, theatre and culture at large on magazine such as "Internazionale" and Doppiozero. She is the Italian curator and translator of the works of John Berger, and has realized two documentaries: Elogio della costanza (2006) and Sotto tregua Gaza (2009).
Bodies in visual arts
From representation to erasurewith Maria Nadotti
When we talk about the representation of bodies in visual arts, those bodies almost always belong to women. Why is the artistic body feminine?
While analysing the lives and works of different artists - Frida Kahlo, Käthe Kollwitz, Louise Bourgeois, Ceija Stojka, Mona Hatoum, and many others - critic and scholar Maria Nadotti tells the story of bodies who have tried to define themselves.
While analysing the lives and works of different artists - Frida Kahlo, Käthe Kollwitz, Louise Bourgeois, Ceija Stojka, Mona Hatoum, and many others - critic and scholar Maria Nadotti tells the story of bodies who have tried to define themselves.
Duration: 1h
supported by Erasmus Mundus in Culture Letterarie Europee, Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna