The Programme


with Antonia Kühn

chair Matteo Gaspari

Paul was too young when his mother died, and now he can't remember her. But he knows  that her absence has changed everything, opening an empty space in life as he knew it. In her first graphic novel, Antonia Kühn tells the story of a family in pieces, and their attempt to become whole again.

Duration: 25m

in collaborazione con Goethe-Institut Italia, Diabolo Edizioni
book Friday 4 Dec H 19:00

Nippon Yokai

with Elisa Menini

chair Matteo Gaspari

In una stanza, in piena notte, si accendono tante candele quanti sono i partecipanti al gioco. Ciascuno, a turno, racconta una storia di fantasmi, e alla fine del racconto spegne una candela. La stanza si fa più buia al procedere del gioco. Alla fine, spenta l’ultima candela, si manifesta uno yokai, uno spirito potente, a volte benevolo, altre malvagio. Elisa Menini rivisita l'iconografia tradizionale giapponese di Hokusai e Horishige in questo libro. 

Duration: 30m

organizzato da La confraternita dell'uva // Libreria - Café - Wine bar in collaborazione con BilBOlbu

BBB consiglia: The Fact Finder

with Alex Bodea

chair Alice Milani, Emanuele Rosso

Mr. Hesus, a middle-aged migrant who has a hard time fitting in his host country, seems to be the only person immune to "Intrux", a weird phenomenon causing objects to look out of focus and eventually disappear. 
He decides, then, to transcribe the world into images before it becomes definitively unintelligible. A dystopian graphic novel touching upon some of the most complex issues of our age:  belonging, isolation and the craving for community, and our accumulated deficit of attention to details.

Duration: 30m

in partnership with BeccoGiallo

Les Vermeilles

chair Ilaria Tontardini

with Camille Jourdy

During an ordinary camping trip with her parents, Jo spots two tiny creatures riding tiny horses, quarreling. She follows them into the woods to find a magical realm, a mix of traditional fairy tales and Maurice Sendak. Special mention at the BolognaRagazzi Award 2020, awarded at the Angoulême Festival and the Salon de la Presse Jeunesse de Montreuil, Les Vermeilles is one of the most elegant, original and clever children's comics ever written. Her author - French cartoonist Camille Jourdy - tell illustration scholar Ilaria Tontardini how this little masterpiece came to be.

Duration: 30m

in partnership with Edizioni Arka

Ritratto d'autore

chair Matteo Gaspari

with Jesse Jacobs

Daisy has just moved when she makes an unsettling discovery: in her basement, behind the washing machine, lies a parallel rainbow-hued universe inhabited by colourful creatures. What happens when she tells her friends about her new found reality? Can adolescence survive the surreal?

Duration: 30m

in collaborazione con Eris Edizioni, Hollow Press

BBB consiglia: Padovaland

with Miguel Vila

chair Manuele Fior

With the eye of the documentarist, Miguel Vila depicts the life of a group of young people in the outskirts of Padova, a town in Northern Italy. A sharp, honest analysis of life in the suburbs that is also a portrait of our worst impulses. 

Duration: 30m

in collaborazione con Canicola

BBB consiglia: Graveyard Kids

chair Matteo Gaspari

with Davide Minciaroni

chair Valerio Stivé

Rob ha iniziato una nuova scuola, la Cipollo II. Lì incontra Chico, come lui fanatico di videogiochi RPG, che diventa subito suo amico. Ma anche Bill, capo di una gang di bulli che si divertono a tormentare le matricole. Che cosa succede quando l'ultimo arrivato sfida a duello il più cattivo della scuola? L'esordio di Davide Minciaroni mescola l'immaginario dei battle shonen a uno stile pop e gommoso, giocando tra nostalgia e invenzione.


Duration: 40m

in collaborazione con Edizioni BD