Paolo Martinello
Born in Vicenza in 1975, after graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice he devoted himself to a career as a painter and illustrator. He collaborates with some of the main Italian publishers, ranging from school books to fantasy fiction. An appreciated artist who is also active in France, in 2007 he published his first work as a complete author, Delethes, published in Italy by Pavesio Editore. Before joining Dylan Dog, he collaborated with the comic publishers Eura and Star Comics.
DAS - Dispositivo Arti Sperimentali
Ti sei trovato un lavoro vero?
with Sara Colaone, Michele Benevento, Paolo Martinello, Barbara Baraldi, Dario Grillotti
chair MeFu Mestieri del fumetto
What are the concrete needs of those who create comics in Italy? A group of professionals, together with the association MeFu – Mestieri del Fumetto, discusses, starting from its own experience, about very practical matters but not less heartfelt by authors: contracts, editorial markets, taxation, legal protection, public recognition and representation. The meeting is also an opportunity to present the first membership campaign of MeFu and talking about association’s plans and goals for the future.
Entry: libero fino a esaurimento posti
Duration: 2h
Curated by MeFu – Mestieri del Fumetto.