Alessio Trabacchini

Alessio Trabacchini ha lavorato per le case editrici Coniglio Editore, NPE, Castelvecchi e, dal 2016, è editor presso 001 Edizioni. Ha collaborato anche con altri editori (Utet Grandi Opere, Coconino Press - Fandango, ComicOut, Edizioni dell’Asino, Lavieri, GRRRžetic) e con riviste tra le quali "Lo Straniero", "Blow Up", "Gli Asini", "Hamelin", "Il Tascabile". È tra gli organizzatori di BilBOlbul e dal 2018 collabora con il festival Passaggi di Fano. Ha co-curato il volume I graphic novel da leggere a vent’anni (Edizioni dell’Asino, 2016) e i cataloghi Chris Ware. Il palazzo della memoria (Coconino Press – Fandango, 2016), Jacovitti. Il teatrino perpetuo (Coconino Press – Fandango), 2017 e Jack Kirby. Mostri uomini dei (Hamelin, 2018).
Born This Way
Comics journaling as transformationwith Nicoz Balboa
chair Alessio Trabacchini
In Nicoz's art, journaling and autobiography become a frantic, passionate and ironic reflection on identity, relationships, and the joy and struggles of human existence. Everything in their work - illustrations, pyrographs, journals or even tattoos - is part of an uninterrupted journey in which everyday life and creative practice become a unique object.
Duration: 1h
in partnership with in collaborazione con Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, Oblomov Edizioni, Gender Bender
with Luca Negri
chair Alessio Trabacchini
Who is Viktor Gaplinksy? He must have something to do with Aldo Cassino, responsible for a terrorist attack on Wall Street, and with a mysterious contract signed during WWII for some aircraft engines... Multiple identities, deaths, rebirths, and war plots are the ingredients of a graphic novel that plays with history following the tradition of postmodernist writers.
Duration: 30m
in partnership with Coconino Press – Fandango