Daniele Barbieri

Lecturer, multimedia designer and researcher into semiotics and communication theory, Daniele Barbieri was born 3 January 1957 in Finale Emilia (Modena) and graduated in philosophy from the University of Bologna with a thesis on semiotics entitled "Logica dell'interpretazione testuale" (The logic of text interpretation).
He was awarded a doctorate in semiotic research, presenting a thesis entitled "Tempo, immagine, ritmo e racconto. Per una semiotica della temporalità nel testo a fumetti" (Time, image, rhythm and narrative. Towards a semiotics of the temporality of comic strips).
He is interested in the philosophy of language, although his principal area of research has remained visual communication, in particular comic strips.
He is Vice-President of Horizons Unlimited s.r.l., which works in the field of multimedia informatics systems, where he is responsible for research and development and multimedia projects.
Since 1993 he has been developing the Encyclomedia system, a multimedia guide to the history of European civilisation, directed by Umberto Eco, for Opera Multimedia.
He teaches in the science of communication in the field of semiotics at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", and the "Informatica 2" and interactive multimedia communication courses at the I.S.I.A. in Urbino.
A scheduling consultant for RAISAT1, he regularly publishes articles in Il Sole 24 Ore (cultural supplement), and Liber.
He is also secretary of the Bologna Semiotics Centre (CBS).
Author of several translations, he has written numerous articles and essays, both journalistic and of a theoretical nature on semiotics, philosophy, planning theory, literary theory, mass communications and comic strips.
Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna

20 years of graphic novel in Italy

International conference

with Alice Milani, Emilio Varrà, Matteo Gaspari, Alessio Trabacchini, Virginia Tonfoni, Otto Gabos, Matteo Stefanelli, Daniele Barbieri, Paolo Bacilieri, Lorenzo Ghetti, Eliana Albertini, Andrea Voglino, Enrico Fornaroli, Igort, Fumettibrutti, Daniele Brolli, Vanna Vinci, Alessandro Bilotta, Sara Colaone, David B., Elettra Stamboulis, Maurizio Lacavalla, Gianluca Costantini, Onofrio Catacchio, Ratigher

20 years of graphic novel in Italy it’s an opportunity of comparison and reflection on the graphic novel impact on our comics scene. There are many branches of this impact: from the economic ones, link to the editorial market transformations, to the “mutation” of the reading public, or even to the different ways in which comics have found their place in the contemporary imagination. ‘Ieri, oggi, domani’ chooses to concentrate on the analysis of certain narrative and aesthetic directions within which the graphic novel has developed, trying to highlight the questions, consciously posed, that these twenty years of graphic novels have generated.
Free entrance by reservation: segreteria@hamelin.net

Everyone over 12 years of age must show the COVID-19 digital green certificate at the entrance. To protect privacy, the holder's personal data is only read out via the national VerificationC19 app and will not be stored.

Entry: I posti sono esauriti. Sarà possibile seguire il convegno in diretta streaming su questo sito.

Duration: 9h

Price: gratuito


I posti riservati al pubblico esterno sono esauriti. Studentesse e studenti dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna possono ancora iscriversi, rivolgendosi ai propri coordinatori di corso.

Curated by Accademia di Belle Arti of Bologna.
In collaboration with Hamelin.
The event is part of BilBOlbul 2021, winner of the Promozione Fumetto 2021, promoted by General Direction Contemporary Creativity - Ministry of Culture.